Products — My Guide Inside ® Curriculum
My Guide Inside ® Curriculum

Print or e-books:  Learner Books, Teacher Manuals (Primary, Intermediate, Secondary)

MGI Online learning platform: For school classrooms

Free Professional Development Programs:

Orientation for Educators (9 hours, self-paced on demand) 

MGI Professional Development Videos (immediate access on this site)

Print or e-books: Learner Books, Teacher Manuals 

Contact CCB Publishing at to arrange educator’s discount of 25% for orders of 10 or more My Guide Inside English, Hebrew or German print titles.

MGI Online Learning Platform

This learning platform is designed for classrooms and school systems. Each school online subscription includes the appropriate level Primary, Intermediate or Secondary My Guide Inside Learner Book and Teacher Manual and extensive supplementary video resources.  Everything students and teachers need is included. MGI lessons flexibly align with many subject areas. Student assignment submission, pre/post assessments and observation tech tools are user friendly. MGI Online learning platform is developed, maintained and fully supported by edTree, MGI’s technical service partner.

Contact us for the MGI 2024-2025 pricing details for clasrooms, schools and / or school districts/chains. Please get in touch.

Sample Chapter

As a guest, explore the sample chapter lesson from MGI Online Learner Book II.  When there, see Navigation Bar on left for: Teacher Guide, Video Learning, Story Reading, Activities.


Indian Context

MGI Online is in its 3rd year as a Learning Forward India (LFIN) partner. MGI Online includes English and Hindi vocabulary. MGI Online principles align with the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2023: Well-being of individuals remains crucial for success in all aspects of life.

Please click here to connect to MGI Online page relevant to Indian context.

Free Professional Development

Orientation for Educators  

This online, self paced, nine-hour, introduction in 12 recorded segments,  prepares individual educators to implement the My Guide Inside curriculum. Orientation for Educators is designed for those who work with Primary, Intermediate or Secondary students. Participants will need to have the MGI print or e-book for their grade level to fully participate in this online program. A Certificate of Participation documents hours of professional development.

MGI Professional Development Library

Gain immediate access to videos featuring experienced educators from four countries discussing their experiences sharing fundamental MGI principles in school communities. Read a seminal scholarly book chapter free. View presentations by three principles author Sydney Banks. Educators can rely on this MGI Professional Development Library for these pivotal resources life-long.